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A collection of free learning resources for those who are interested in ISO9001 Quality Management Systems.
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The true cost of defective quality is far greater than the apparent cost.
A project plan for implementing an ISO 9001 compliant quality management system - starting from zero until your certification audit.

Quality, safety, and environmental ISO management standards align closely and can easily be integrated in to one system.
How the ISO 9001 standard came about - via a brief presentation built with Prezi.
Here's a rough timeline for implementing a new ISO 9001 compliant quality system, getting certified and the ongoing maintenance through to re-certification.
Personnel should be competent - what does this actually mean ?
Risks faced by a business or a big project are best managed with a formal process. Essentially, the steps are as follows
ISO 9001 says that you should evaluate and select suppliers based on their ability to meet your requirements.
Records you should be keeping to show your safety system is really working.
A process map provides a top level overview of all the business processes and how they interact. Have a look at our example process map.
Quality planning for production or service provision refers to the detailed planning that goes into assuring that the product or service you provide meets legal and customer requirements.
What the ISO 9001 standard requires for document control and some practical examples on how to actually achieve it, including an example document header and footer and an example document register.
5S is a process improvement tool that seeks to improve the efficiency and flow of work. Sort, Straighten, Sweep, Standardise, Sustain
Corrective actions are what you do to fix a problem. These include both immediate actions to 'put out the fire' and also the longer term measures you take to ensure the problem won't occur again.
The hierarchy of hazard controls is a list which emphasises controlling a hazard at the source
A management review is a review by "Top Management" of your management system to assess whether it is effective and suitable for the organisation. The ISO management system standards require certain topics be reviewed, and this is often achieved through the agenda for a management review meeting.
You must ensure that your product or service meets both customer and regulatory requirements. To manage them properly you should have some systematic process in place. Here's what you need to do.
Documented information to be maintained. Procedures required for ISO 9001:2015. Six procedures that were required in ISO 9001:2008.
A non-conformance means that something went wrong and the specifications or requirements (for the product, service, process) were not met.
some tips for running effective meetings, starting with the outcome in mind.
Most businesses need to plan ahead to be ready for changes. There are a multitude of techniques and analysis tools available online.
An Inspection and Test Plan lays out a schedule of inspections at critical control points or 'hold points' within a process, in order to verify that things are progressing as they should be. We look at an example ITP.
List of required records for ISO 9001:2015, or documented information to be retained.
Preventive actions are pro-active - you take action to stop something from happening. This is also called addressing risk.
You need to plan for the requirements of the quality management system (in addition to planning for delivery of your product or service)
Quantify the material and energy costs associated with waste as well as end products
How to go about performing Internal Audits, how often they should be scheduled, and how they fit in with External Audits.
A quick guide to managing calibration. What is it? How often? What should be calibrated? Keeping records and what to do when your equipment fails calibration.
Running a manual document management system is tedious and frequently problematic. Here are the places where QSToolbox saves you time.
What's the difference between a Document and a Record for ISO 9001?
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